soooooo.. i woke up and it was snowing!! yay!!!! last year it was on the 10th of OCT, so no records broken.. i was actually getting antsy for it. It's not sticking yet.. but it should be soon i would imagine.. we have a winterweather advisory till 8am tomorrow woot!
It's Irving Berlin's Fault...
Why worry when skies are gray
Why should we complain
Let's laugh at the cloudy day
Let's sing in the rain
Songwriters say the storm quickly passes
That's their philosophy
They see the world through rose-colored glasses
Why shouldn't we?
Just around the corner
There's a rainbow in the sky
So let's have another cup o' coffee
And let's have another piece o' pie!
Trouble's just a bubble
And the clouds will soon roll by
So let's have another cup o' coffee
And let's have another piece o' pie
Let a smile be your umbrella
For it's just an April show'r
Even John D. Rockefeller
Is looking for the silver lining
Mister Herbert Hoover
Says that now's the time to buy
So let's have another cup o' coffee
And let's have another piece o' pie!
Things that really matter
Are the things that gold can't buy
Why should we complain
Let's laugh at the cloudy day
Let's sing in the rain
Songwriters say the storm quickly passes
That's their philosophy
They see the world through rose-colored glasses
Why shouldn't we?
Just around the corner
There's a rainbow in the sky
So let's have another cup o' coffee
And let's have another piece o' pie!
Trouble's just a bubble
And the clouds will soon roll by
So let's have another cup o' coffee
And let's have another piece o' pie
Let a smile be your umbrella
For it's just an April show'r
Even John D. Rockefeller
Is looking for the silver lining
Mister Herbert Hoover
Says that now's the time to buy
So let's have another cup o' coffee
And let's have another piece o' pie!
Things that really matter
Are the things that gold can't buy
Funny story from work..
Ok.. so last night was a little insane... involving water from the shower head getting pointed into the hallway... yeah, that sucked to try and clean up, so that was what it was, but i didn't get the laundry even started before the fill in chick got there, she decided to put ALLLLL of it in the washer at once, which was wayyy too much, the washer couldn't spin out properly, so this genious accepts this and puts all the SOPPING wet clothes in the drier. (and i mean sopping, it took mo 5 spin out cycles to get them dry) now its 2am.. this chick is calling me to tell me that the drier doesn't work.. uhh.. so i tell mike bc he is good with these things, he gave all sorts of ideas... blah.. yeah.. of all the dumb things... i am just miffed at the shear stupidity of this. its so dumb its amusing.
Green Skies..
So, I wake up today to thunder, thinking shit, I left my windows open in my car! So I quick throw some clothes on and I'm weird, I like thunderstorms so I check the radar to see what we are in for.... Uhhhh yeah... I see this, " TORNADO WARNING FOR... EAST CENTRAL LACKAWANNA COUNTY IN NORTHEAST PENNSYLVANIA... AT 1028 AM EDT...NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR INDICATED A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A TORNADO NEAR MOSCOW... MOVING NORTHEAST AT 35 MP" ok, so for starters... This is the first time they ever specified Moscow in a special weather statement, so I'm like oh shit! Then it hits me.. I don't have a basement in this house, and George isn't home so I can't use his... Oh crap! Now in case you missed it, this is a WARNING not a watch, meaning like take cover! So yeah, I called my daddy tweaking out, what do we do? Bc we do have this little crawl space, he decided that was no good and that we should sit in the kitchen so at least if when the roof caves in, it will hit the fridge not us, and to watch the animals they will start acting weird right before... Like mocha actually standing in the window while there is thunder weird? Bc that dog hates thunder! Rar! So as my dad is looking at this radar, he says its just over 380 heading your way, so I think OMG, Janice will be on 380 right this second getting off the daleville exit! Well as I'm thinking this she calls to say that the rain was cycloning around the van, there's a tornado heading in your direction, now I'm really tweaking she's only 8 mins from me. Crap. Sooooo I go in the kitchen and wait, and not gonna lie, pray a lot. Then I notice instead of getting louder, the thunder is dissipating, and the skies are clearing, daddy called and said it Just missed us but don't go out yet, there is another cell coming behind about 20 miles back, he will keep an eye on it. So, for now, we're ok, and thank god.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Soooo Dreamin Deamon...
Apparently when you make a comment there, the parents of the person you are commenting on, decide they HAVE TO send you a myspace message, I should say this is the first time this has ever happened.. however, it is annoying as all hell. So I am going to share with you the lovely conversation I had with Terrell Scott's mother Holly. *sigh*
It's all in reference to this article, I warn you it's very graphic
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Wicked Sweet Rockin' Chick♥
To: *Karin E. Overfield*
Date: Jul 6, 2009 1:25 AM
Subject: my son
This is Terrell Scott's mom Holly,
It's so messed up that the women and her girls are lying!!! I've known the mom and the girls for over three yrs. The mom and the girls all have police records, which the Easton cops and Easton Children and Youth are well aware of, way before my son was ever involved in his Ex's (Crystal Hodgkins) life. It's messed up that for some reason that bit of info was left out. I have so much evidence to show that the police messed up A LOT with this case and evidence to show that my son is innocence. Mind you my son doesn't even have a police record. So everyone who feels my son will gets his, just think how strange it is that all of Crystal Hodgkins and all of her daughter's wrong doings weren't even mentioned. And by the way Crystal and the girls, who called Terrell their "Daddy" and me "Grand mom", just want to say thanks a lot for putting my son behind bars. And to my sweet son, Mommy and everyone who knows the truth we are all trying our best to set you free, and clear your name.
so I just wrote back with...
"uhhh way confused?"
(mainly because this was from like a month ago! why would I remember some comment on DD from a month ago??!)
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Wicked Sweet Rockin' Chick♥
To: *Karin E. Overfield*
Date: Jul 26, 2009 10:55 PM
Subject: RE: my son
I wrote 2 u a while ago, reguarding the comment u placed on demon website. And I wrote 2 every1 who placed a comment and bad 1's and they didn't even know the full story b4 that had something about the story.
I wrote back with
"yeah, i figured it out, i understand your need as his mother to clear his name, but he admitted to splitting the child's fingernails, i mean common lady.. thats disgusting, i myself lost my foster child to a child molester, i have no patience for this type of bs, i know how it affects the children, and the families, how about instead of wasting your time writing to everyone who said something ill about your son, why don't you realize he needs help.
Here, you can read my story.
god does everything for a reason, we can either accept and learn. or deny and never heal."
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Wicked Sweet Rockin' Chick♥
To: *Karin E. Overfield*
Date: Jul 27, 2009 8:29 AM
Subject: my son
if u read my myspace or mt son's myspace or the cooments I wrote I wrote he was forced by the cops 2 admitt 2 something on my myspace there r pleanty of pics of the kids! also on dreaming demon his ex admitted she LIED ON MY SON cause she was mad he was leaving her after being w/her for over 3 yrs & my son & I told chilldren & youth on her & they took the kids away she was getting close to 2000.00 a month for the kids. so instead of u trashing my son do ur research and READ!
another thing that will come out is how messed up the system is &how the cops didn't read my son his rights or how they wouldn't give him a lawyer & the research my father myself & private investergator is how crooked the cops the luzerne children and youth & easton's cops &easton's children& youth are. the bottom line is that crystal said she lied cause she was mad at my son leaving her & ratting her out look at her pic ( http://www.myspace.com/freeterrellscott) mind u she's a drug abuser (my son never used drugs or ever drank) and she's a 47 yr.old white women(who's been in the system 4 over 20 yrs. she's had 8 kids one even died in foster kids & all her kids have special needs....hmmmm cause she used drugs during her pregnancy) & if u belive it or not a white women can lie on a black man in a second. & w/out checking in2 any of the facts they will lock up a black man in a second. there r pleanty of pics of her kids who called me grandma & I saw the kids at lease 2x a week for over 3 yrs. http://www.myspace.com/wickedsweetrockinchick so again read the true facts instead of jumping the gun & accusing someone how would u like it.
♥Wicked Sweet Rock...
Jul 27, 2009 11:43 AM
RE: my son
Hey chickie, no one is jumping the gun, who is to say what you say is actually fact? I read your ridiculous site, even before you sent it to me, you have proven nothing. You know what happened the first time Nick decided to touch a child? His mother defended him instead of getting him help, she refused to believe what the police found to be true. He then went on to touch children again. It is your duty as a parent to help your child, not to send obnoxious emails to people, who really don't care either way. Police men/women do not force you to say things. That is absolutely absurd. You are no different than my mother, who refuses to believe my brother is a drug user despite the fact that, my brother has done nothing correct in his life and has caused my father and myself a massive amount of heart ache. Between having two abortions with some disgusting girl, smoking Pot, using Acid, eating Mushrooms, smoking Dust, nearly killing my mother in a drunken rage two christmas' ago, getting caught sleeping with a 16 year old yesterday, my mother still somehow can turn a blind eye. This scares me on many levels, her denial is so deep, to her he never used drugs, he never had the abortions and what happened yesterday never happened. He is her little angel and always will be. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother but her head is clouded. This could very well be the case with you, parents often find it rather hard to admit when their child has done something horrific. You know you didn't raise him like that, you know thats not what you taught him, and you are convinced he actually learned something from it. That is the wrong path to walk. Nick's mother figured this out herself, when after turning a blind eye the first time, he then went a few years later and touched four children in my house, and another 9 in ct. to be 100% honest with you, I really don't give two shits what happens to your son, I don't care what happens to you, to me you are some crazy ass chick that refuses to open her eyes and has created delusions to make herself feel better. Honestly, I pity you. I will pray that you find some peace, you obviously are quite an angry woman, and quite a confused one. I will pray that when the verdict comes down, and he stays in jail that you will accept it in your heart, because if you don't, you life will be a very unhappy one. Please stop contacting me, people will talk, people will say things that are not nice, what you are doing is NOT clearing his name, it is harassment, and I don't have time for it. You are only succeeding in annoying the ever-loving hell out of me. In fact, your testimony towards him makes me believe he did it all the more. You have a lot to learn about people and how to interact with them, and not to mention, you may need to go back to elementary school, your writing is horrific. If you want people to listen try a different approach, ranting and raving like and illiterate psycho will get you NOWHERE. Please don't contact me again.
It's all in reference to this article, I warn you it's very graphic
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Wicked Sweet Rockin' Chick♥
To: *Karin E. Overfield*
Date: Jul 6, 2009 1:25 AM
Subject: my son
This is Terrell Scott's mom Holly,
It's so messed up that the women and her girls are lying!!! I've known the mom and the girls for over three yrs. The mom and the girls all have police records, which the Easton cops and Easton Children and Youth are well aware of, way before my son was ever involved in his Ex's (Crystal Hodgkins) life. It's messed up that for some reason that bit of info was left out. I have so much evidence to show that the police messed up A LOT with this case and evidence to show that my son is innocence. Mind you my son doesn't even have a police record. So everyone who feels my son will gets his, just think how strange it is that all of Crystal Hodgkins and all of her daughter's wrong doings weren't even mentioned. And by the way Crystal and the girls, who called Terrell their "Daddy" and me "Grand mom", just want to say thanks a lot for putting my son behind bars. And to my sweet son, Mommy and everyone who knows the truth we are all trying our best to set you free, and clear your name.
so I just wrote back with...
"uhhh way confused?"
(mainly because this was from like a month ago! why would I remember some comment on DD from a month ago??!)
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Wicked Sweet Rockin' Chick♥
To: *Karin E. Overfield*
Date: Jul 26, 2009 10:55 PM
Subject: RE: my son
I wrote 2 u a while ago, reguarding the comment u placed on demon website. And I wrote 2 every1 who placed a comment and bad 1's and they didn't even know the full story b4 that had something about the story.
I wrote back with
"yeah, i figured it out, i understand your need as his mother to clear his name, but he admitted to splitting the child's fingernails, i mean common lady.. thats disgusting, i myself lost my foster child to a child molester, i have no patience for this type of bs, i know how it affects the children, and the families, how about instead of wasting your time writing to everyone who said something ill about your son, why don't you realize he needs help.
Here, you can read my story.
god does everything for a reason, we can either accept and learn. or deny and never heal."
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Wicked Sweet Rockin' Chick♥
To: *Karin E. Overfield*
Date: Jul 27, 2009 8:29 AM
Subject: my son
if u read my myspace or mt son's myspace or the cooments I wrote I wrote he was forced by the cops 2 admitt 2 something on my myspace there r pleanty of pics of the kids! also on dreaming demon his ex admitted she LIED ON MY SON cause she was mad he was leaving her after being w/her for over 3 yrs & my son & I told chilldren & youth on her & they took the kids away she was getting close to 2000.00 a month for the kids. so instead of u trashing my son do ur research and READ!
another thing that will come out is how messed up the system is &how the cops didn't read my son his rights or how they wouldn't give him a lawyer & the research my father myself & private investergator is how crooked the cops the luzerne children and youth & easton's cops &easton's children& youth are. the bottom line is that crystal said she lied cause she was mad at my son leaving her & ratting her out look at her pic ( http://www.myspace.com/freeterrellscott) mind u she's a drug abuser (my son never used drugs or ever drank) and she's a 47 yr.old white women(who's been in the system 4 over 20 yrs. she's had 8 kids one even died in foster kids & all her kids have special needs....hmmmm cause she used drugs during her pregnancy) & if u belive it or not a white women can lie on a black man in a second. & w/out checking in2 any of the facts they will lock up a black man in a second. there r pleanty of pics of her kids who called me grandma & I saw the kids at lease 2x a week for over 3 yrs. http://www.myspace.com/wickedsweetrockinchick so again read the true facts instead of jumping the gun & accusing someone how would u like it.
♥Wicked Sweet Rock...
Jul 27, 2009 11:43 AM
RE: my son
Hey chickie, no one is jumping the gun, who is to say what you say is actually fact? I read your ridiculous site, even before you sent it to me, you have proven nothing. You know what happened the first time Nick decided to touch a child? His mother defended him instead of getting him help, she refused to believe what the police found to be true. He then went on to touch children again. It is your duty as a parent to help your child, not to send obnoxious emails to people, who really don't care either way. Police men/women do not force you to say things. That is absolutely absurd. You are no different than my mother, who refuses to believe my brother is a drug user despite the fact that, my brother has done nothing correct in his life and has caused my father and myself a massive amount of heart ache. Between having two abortions with some disgusting girl, smoking Pot, using Acid, eating Mushrooms, smoking Dust, nearly killing my mother in a drunken rage two christmas' ago, getting caught sleeping with a 16 year old yesterday, my mother still somehow can turn a blind eye. This scares me on many levels, her denial is so deep, to her he never used drugs, he never had the abortions and what happened yesterday never happened. He is her little angel and always will be. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother but her head is clouded. This could very well be the case with you, parents often find it rather hard to admit when their child has done something horrific. You know you didn't raise him like that, you know thats not what you taught him, and you are convinced he actually learned something from it. That is the wrong path to walk. Nick's mother figured this out herself, when after turning a blind eye the first time, he then went a few years later and touched four children in my house, and another 9 in ct. to be 100% honest with you, I really don't give two shits what happens to your son, I don't care what happens to you, to me you are some crazy ass chick that refuses to open her eyes and has created delusions to make herself feel better. Honestly, I pity you. I will pray that you find some peace, you obviously are quite an angry woman, and quite a confused one. I will pray that when the verdict comes down, and he stays in jail that you will accept it in your heart, because if you don't, you life will be a very unhappy one. Please stop contacting me, people will talk, people will say things that are not nice, what you are doing is NOT clearing his name, it is harassment, and I don't have time for it. You are only succeeding in annoying the ever-loving hell out of me. In fact, your testimony towards him makes me believe he did it all the more. You have a lot to learn about people and how to interact with them, and not to mention, you may need to go back to elementary school, your writing is horrific. If you want people to listen try a different approach, ranting and raving like and illiterate psycho will get you NOWHERE. Please don't contact me again.
Greg is a moron.. and bc he is a moron i get to go to fairfield and bring the truck back... mikes driving dads truck, i'm driving my car.. and dads driving Greg's broke ass truck if it even makes it that far.. ugggghhhhhhhh wtf?!?! he needs to get a fucking grip on reality!!! but he won't not with all the acid he ate last night GOD HES STUPID!!!!
The broke ass truck
The broke ass truck
The girl I work with disgusts me, she is 21 and pregnant by an 18 year old guy, in his senior year of high school. At the time of conception, he was 17. According to her the cops here don't care.
She is a horrible person, proud she still lives with her mother, in a double wide trailer. But not only does she live in a trailer, but she aspires to being just like the stereotypical "trailer trash" she can't wait to be able to "quit and go on welfare" no joke, this is what she wants, its not a matter of necessity as it is for some, she just wants to do it. She tells me things like I am going to be my baby's best friend, which we all know is terribly wrong, children need parents to guide and teach them, not to be their friends! The things she says really pains me to hear.
And then there's the ever so classy shirts she chooses to wear, as in the picture above, she told me her next one would be "I'm not fat, I'm knocked up!" excuse me while I vomit.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
She is a horrible person, proud she still lives with her mother, in a double wide trailer. But not only does she live in a trailer, but she aspires to being just like the stereotypical "trailer trash" she can't wait to be able to "quit and go on welfare" no joke, this is what she wants, its not a matter of necessity as it is for some, she just wants to do it. She tells me things like I am going to be my baby's best friend, which we all know is terribly wrong, children need parents to guide and teach them, not to be their friends! The things she says really pains me to hear.
And then there's the ever so classy shirts she chooses to wear, as in the picture above, she told me her next one would be "I'm not fat, I'm knocked up!" excuse me while I vomit.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Janice's cat..
Sooo Janice has this cat, Bobs daughter dropped it off last night, and she put it in a box, and opened the garage, the thing takes off running... If I had to live with Janice I would too lol...
Well tonight Katie and I are outside and it comes up to us and we tried to catch it and had no such luck. Poor kitty I feel bad that its outside in the horrible weather... It looks like my little mittens did minus the extra paws, Janice was going to name it chai latte or something poor poor kitty.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
The Farm..
So yesterday we went up to the farm to visit with my dad and aunt anna. While we were at The Stables Restaurant, we heard the emergency beeps over the radio, and of course me and my father pull out our cell phones to see what it was bc you couldn't make out what the radio was saying. Turns out a huge ominous storm is approaching.. one that could.. and would produce two inch hail, damaging winds and torrential down pours. Soooo.. we go back to the barn.. and of course.. two seconds after walking in, boom! the skies open up.. and god was it loud.. so.. yeah.. heres some pictures... lol

Old Lyme trip again..
Not much to say about it.. just sharing pictures.. did the usual Niantic, Book Barn and Skippers.. Met a cool artist my father knows, Frank i think his name was.. In Branford.. where it rained a lot and people weren't very friendly, and the shuttle bus never came. I ate my lox bagels, Magic Brownies.. bc coffees is awesome.. and my lobster roll.. it was a pretty good trip overall..

The Drama lately...
Sooooooo... after having been a friend to heather, feeding here when she was hungry, listening to her annoying stories over and over and over... and her insistent chatter about Carroll's penis... like let it go already... her melodrama... her lies and head games all of it i put up with. She in the beginning was only supposed to pretend to date Eric, she wanted to get Carroll of her back, why she didn't just tell him she wasn't interested is beyond me, but pretending turned into the real thing somehow. and what ensued was her making a mockery of my very close friend. She used him in every way imaginable, even to push her own agenda with the rest of the group, believe it or not she went as far as to insinuate he raped her. Then if this is not enough, she brings her ex boyfriend Eric from Tennessee back home and has him move in with her and lies continuously about that.. so when i do confront her.. she decides to make my life hell at work and tell my boss lies about me.. she is unholy stupid. I'm really not sure why i bother to have friends any more.
The new girl...
So I feel really bad for the new girl at work... she was there two days before she started hating janice, actually, the first time i saw her the first words out of her mouth were "help me" having Hitler up your butt for hours on end.. is not something i would ever want. In-fact, i don't think i could handle that at all... well anyways, i think that she is gonna try to stay at the Olyphant house, i dunno. She is a really funny girl, i think she said her husband was blind? i cant remember.. but its great, she hates janice even before i open my mouth. At least i dont have to deal with her alone any more..
It was the best of time... And now its the worst of times...
Sometimes I don't understand myself, my life, or which paths I am meant to walk in life, I try to live it by doing what is fair and right, but fair and right are not always easy. And sometimes they hurt others, and myself, sometimes its saying good bye to things that up until that point you never knew existed, feelings that were so strong... You're left in awe ... and now, left to wonder... What was I thinking and where the hell did I go wrong? Can this really be it? Is this really what it's come to?!? I guess we never truly know if the decisions we make are the right ones, and some decisions that seemed right will haunt you forever, or at least me... I keep catching glimpses of "I didn't expect this" or "I don't want this" and the endless waterfall starts, not for myself, but for whom I have hurt with my words, actions, and decisions. I feel like I have made the worst decision I could have. I feel empty, I feel wrong, my life is full of these regrets, and I am left to wonder if for once in my life, will I ever do something right? Will I ever be able to make someone truly happy? Is happiness even a real thing that we strive for? Or it is imaginary like the Easter bunny or Santa Clause? I just wish I had a crystal ball.... Or a time machine, so I could take it all back, or I could know what I really did. Nothing is right in my world. Nothing.
Spring has finally sprung in moscow! yay
Peas coming up in the garden..
Dill in the Herb Garden
and more lilacs on the other side of the house...
Dill in the Herb Garden
and more lilacs on the other side of the house...
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