
So.. as I am about to say this I can't even believe it myself, Janice popped into work tonight, and did not say one bad thing about or to me at all in-fact she was incredibly friendly and gave k a shower for me so I had one less to do. so I guess it has been a good night so far.. I have a bit of a headache.. I keep forgetting to take my Topamax.. which really isn't good.. then I get migraines.. you would think I would remember it.. it's only twice a day.. 2am and 2pm.. how hard is that? gurr.. oh well.. J is standing in the hallway singing to me that he likes me over and over to the tune of “I will be right her waiting for you” (it's on his radio) he has his little guitar its so cute. I got a few pix messages from mike apparently they brought the old love-seat in and set up the livening room differently.. its umm.. interesting.. lol.. I am calling my father because i want the couch that matches..

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