
Jackie's Mother... among other things...

Jackie's mother is smoking something, and it's nothing pleasant like a little pot, she is smoking some hardcore disgusting thing like crack, or PCP, that bitch is whacked out of her mind. she told jackie that I don't do anything for her. Okay, maybe I don't go out to her house, but who in there right mind would want to? I have no desire to spend anytime with a self-righous, egotistical, maniacal, arrogant, self-centerd, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Holy shit...where's the Tylenol? *giggle* (sorry so had to it was heading in that direction...) she has taken it upon her self to say that I won't bring Jackie's jacket to her, or even meet her half way, in Dan's words, “she is completely divorced from reality” which I rather like, it describes her to a T! Well Mrs. Know it all control freak bitch, I am going to meet her halfway so stick that in your pipe and smoke it! FUCKKKKK! I so cannot wait to hear what she says when Jackie magically pulls her coat out of her ass. In fact I recommended to her that she tell her mother that she is magical and that she did just that. she has a burlington coat factory hidden in her ass crack. It makes more sense than anything her mother can muster up so maybe the moron will believe it.

So tonight i dealt with vomit again... only it was vomit in more places that i could count.. and vomit with stripping.. it was incredibly frustrating.. and janice had fried eggplant on the menu for dinner.. but there was no oil or butter in the house.. i mean how the hell was i supposed to make that? save the fact that the eggplant was sooo over ripe it was nasty. so i reheated the pizza.. taking bets on her being mad about that.. i am throwing in 20$ that she will be livid.. *sigh* so not wanting to go back tomorrow..


Eaglescout414 said...

I like "worm-headed."

BluExtacy said...

your a worm head!