soo total bummer.. it stopped snowing :( but i made lots of yummy cookies.. and watched every christmas movie imaginable.. and sat out by the tree for a while... and drank loootts of coffee... i mean alot of coffee.. and yeah.. i dunno.. i have absolutely nothing interesting to say... because i did basically nothing.. god.. i really am boring ack! well.. back to work tomorrow at least.. i'll have something interesting to say then :)
My Purdy Puppy sleepins...
The totally awesome Nesting Dolls my daddy brought back from russia..
Christmas tree.. :) :)
I agree you are extremly lame. So when are your days off? I just got a whole bunch of ammo for the 30-6 (and some ear plugs) so this time you shoot too
ooooooohhhhh..... *orgasms* ummm... well.. it looks like next weekend i am working.. and the weekend after that not... but my mom might want me to come down b/c i am working on christmas and all.. and so on i have every other weekend off... then i have thursday of next week off and friday of this week off.. and thats the same every other week too.. so yeah.. hellish
ok well my not this weekend but next weekend I also have off so if youre not going home let me know I can bring it up ... and you better not orgasm all over my gun its a vifgin nad doesnt need you ruinign its innocence
uhh well me and da gun are gonna go off with out you... god you are overprotective!
how come we didnt make yummy cookies when I was up? I want to make nummy yummy cookies can we make yummy cookies??? PLEASE //// so anyway not this weekend but next is it cool to come up with my guns that you will stay within complete and clear eye contact of me ... and so yeah
ewww whatever... and we did make nummy cookies while you were here.. in fact we made them while you were drunk.. so no wonder you don't remember alchi!
eeww well i want to make more nummy yummy cookies ... and ewww look at mochas nails eeeewwwww
whats wrong wif puppys nails?
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