

Gurr.. i have such a headache.. i kind of wanna die a little right now... not even sure why i am writing.. eh.. well tonight was the night from hell everyone was all out of sorts and T was really upset all night and wouldn't go to bed. its hard to deal with him being blind and deaf and all... its not like you can tell him its ok... all you can do is sit there and gently rub his head or what have you... its heart-wrenching to watch. i feel so sick to my stomach.. stupid migraine makes me sick too.. i have eaten almost an entire bottle of Tylenol.. to no avail.. at least i had dan to talk to and danny had me laughing with the Paperclip orders.. i should really be sleeping.. but.. doesn't seem to be happening... ugh.. god..


Jackarooo said...

He finally gave you the orders .. holy shit General Tape Dispenser has her squad in order now :)

BluExtacy said...

Listen Tape Dispenser... Stapler is soo not in order! you saw how i just screw that up!! MF!! oops...