
At long last...

Soooo i have been away for a while.. and lots has happened.. last night i had to work a double because He-ate-her decided to call out, which was loads of fun!!! 18 hours straight with 4 hours of sleep in-between and then back to work again... so it was 3 pm till 7 am then 3-11 again.. holy hell was that awful.. at one point i felt like i had eaten an eight of mushrooms some of you could relate to that *giggle* the room was moving.. at me no less.. that was fun.. i drank a ridiculous amount of coffee and at about 5 am i was all cracked out and running around and got sooo much done and when janice showed up i was a scary sunshine and smiles morning sort of person that i loath. some how i managed to get t and k up and dressed and fed before janice showed up which is crazy i am told cause not only did she get there 45 mins early but usually they only get t up by that point.. so yeah! go me (i rock haha) when i got home i had an issue sleeping didn't fall asleep till 8 then got up at two.. and went back to work.. yeah... now i am home.. but i got all uppity cause my house guest was still sleeping i am getting kind of annoyed at the fact that i am working so hard to feed her and all she does is sleep all day, i mean common!!! do something! fuck she even left all her dishes from the night before, that is so irritating, how can someone lack that much motivation and self respect and respect for the people who went out of their way to give her a roof over her head and food in her bellies? and the excuse? she had a headache.. well listen mother fucker.. i have gone to work with a fever.. this whole week... two people can attest to that.. i have a headache constantly.. no one gives a fuck are your fingers broken? i dunno.. i just don't get how you could say in one breath you want to make something of you life and then in the other sleep all day and then make lame excuses and waste the one month you have to start over but thats just me.. guess i was brought up differently.. and it made me irate today. *sigh* i really should know better by now there are probably other things which elude me right now... as exhaustion has set in... so... ummm.... yeah....


Jackarooo said...

these ppl sound lame and I hope you feel better

BluExtacy said...
